Thursday, January 7, 2010

New Year, New Goals

Wow! What a great year 2009 was! I started out trying to loose a little weight and ended up finishing the year with 36 pounds gone and a semester of college completed. My goals for 2010 are similar to 2009 with a few extra goals added to my list. I still want to loose more weight but how much, I don't know. I do not believe in weight numbers. I want to get down to a healthy weight for my body. I hate the little diagram that says that I at 5 foot 3 inches tall should weigh between 112-125. Who ever decided that has not seen my body. I would be sick looking at 125 and at 112 I would not be breathing! So for me, I take it 5 pounds at a time. Once I hit my "Wow" marker I'll stop. One goal I have for myself this year is to run the Green Valley Ranch "Gobble Wobble" 5k in November. I have never entered any kind of race before. For some people this is no big deal but for me it is! I never ran track in school and honestly, had no desire to. I am doing this for my satisfaction! Once I complete a 5k, I'll move onto bigger things. It maybe another race, who knows! If I find a 5k sooner than November I may change my goal for that race. My life will not be horrible if I do not complete a 5k but my confidence in myself will be much better. Richard, my amazing husband, has been so supportive of me. He has loved me at all sizes and I credit him for me always feeling beautiful at any weight. Just a note, if you don't already know this, you soon will, I am absolutely crazy about my husband, Richard! So I apologize a head of time for rambling on about him. Let's just start by saying, "He's amazing and he's all mine!" I am a very lucky woman! Back to my goals, my last goal for this year is to include "me time" everyday. I think that as a woman, wife and mother, "me time" is almost aways just a dream. I plan to take at least 30 minutes to myself. I do not include working out as "me time". I personally don't like to work out and don't believe people that say they do. So, "me time", could be anything that I enjoy doing: scrapbooking, trying a new recipe, crafting, etc. So there you have it people, my goals for another amazing year. I promise to post any and all new discoveries I find that has to do with weightloss. This blog is only about loosing weight and feeling great! I feel so amazing since I lost 36 pounds. I still have more to loose but I know that I can do it! I want to share things that have worked for me. What works for me may not work for you but knowledge is power and the more you know that better off you will be. I just want to offer you my perspective of loosing weight.

1 comment:

  1. YAY!! I love your blog already! One of my new years resolutions, is to lose weight too! So, I'm so excited to follow your blog, and loose weight with you! I also started a weight loss blog of sorts, a while ago, called "Deliciously Healthy" You can see it at, "" I haven't posted anything in a while because I've been bad, and haven't been sticking to my diet, BUT On Monday, I'm starting back up my diet, and back to blogging about it. I wish you all the best accomplishing all your new year resolutions!
    P.S. Feel free to ask me any questions you have about blogging! :0)
