Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Doctor OZ Challenge!

I record the Doctor Oz show everyday so that when I wake up in the morning to do the treadmill I can watch him. On Monday, Doctor Oz, started a weightloss challenge of only 10 pounds. He has a panel of experts that will be speaking each week on ways that you can drop 10 pounds. On the first show, one thing that I really liked was that the nutritionist said you can eat what you want, just cut down on the portions. I have always said that! It has been 1 year and 9 months since I started my life style change and I must say that one of the big reasons for my success is that I eat the foods I love. He also has a fitness trainer that stresses taking only 10 minutes a day can change your life. I also follow this way if thinking. It is through the small steps that I made that I am now running 6 miles a day, Monday through Friday on the treadmill. I started out walking very slow and working up. There are two other people on the panel, a doctor and a therapist. The therapist said that you have to love yourself first. I can't say that enough! The doctor gives lots of advice on vitamins and other health issues that come with gaining and loosing weight. Doctor Oz has also teamed up with "Zappo". Right now if you go to Doctoroz.com you can sign up to receive a free bracelett that says, "Just 10". It is completely free, you pay nothing. This is to help remind yourself that you need to loose 10 pounds to make a difference in your life. I have already ordered mine even though I have already lost way over 10 pounds. I want it to help keep me going. I encourage everyone to take a look at Doctor Oz's website and show. I love waking up to him in the morning! He has so much wonderful information that I have added to my life. One thing else, Doctor Oz said that you should be taking a good multivitamin, especially women. He also said to have Vitamin B. I am guilty at not being good at taking my vitamins but after watching yesterday's show this morning I am going out today to get them!